It Is Just as Important to Be Noticed, as It Is to Be Remembered

It Is Just as Important to Be Noticed, as It Is to Be Remembered

Publishing 9 min read

Would you rather read a great book with a lousy cover or a lousy book with an incredible cover?  This is not a choice that buyers face.  Readers have tens of millions of books to choose from.  Your thumbnail is one of dozens, on hundreds of pages of search results.  If nobody notices your book, the content in it won’t matter because, to them, it doesn’t even exist.  This is why your cover plays a vital role; to visually sell your story to potential buyers.  Much like a storefront, your cover should, of course, be enticing to future buyers, yet un-compromising to the integrity of the product(s) inside.  People buy books based on referrals, advertising, or simply the look of a cover.  You’ve spent hours writing an amazing story, now it’s time to match it with an equally amazing cover because the role of your cover is your book’s success. 

Here are some of the techniques I use to create book covers, and some tips I’ve learned along the way.

Find a Creative Space and a Photographer

Hiring a space is a great way to experiment with photography, lighting, and fun props.  There are websites online that offer creative locations for hire. It’s a good idea to consider buying your own equipment, but some locations also offer equipment for hire.  Equally, hiring a photographer can help shape your image.  Any professional photographer should take direction from you, as well as make suggestions based on their experience and know-how. 

Whether you provide a written creative brief or discuss your requirements over the phone, when considering who to hire, be sure they take your ideas and suggestions seriously.  While they’re the design experts and will likely have other ideas in mind, you are most familiar with the content of your book.  I prefer taking my own images, but collaborating and brainstorming can sometimes be an invaluable step towards creating a great cover. 

Hire an Artist

People also love art for art’s sake. People buy prints of artwork or photos simply because it speaks to them personally.  If your cover art is appealing, the cover has its own merit. Coffee table books are decorative and make for conversation pieces; a great cover serves a similar purpose when people are reading your book in public.  This is a very good option if you’re looking to stand out and it may also increase your audience exposure if the artist tags you on social media.   

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Use a Quality Program

Customers believe that a book is more likely to be professional inside when the cover looks professional.  Great products need quality tools for production.  I strongly recommend using Adobe Photoshop or GIMP to edit your cover, and for good reason.  The program can adjust and crop images, remove and re-organize objects and backgrounds in an image, amalgamate two or more images to create a scene, provide various templates that will help with your cover, include creative and artistic filters like blurs, use advanced brushes to paint smooth curves and lines, and create 3D artworks for print.  Adobe Photoshop is a tool that is being used by everyone, even those who know nothing about it! 

For professional photographers, it’s about creating stunning images with subtle alterations.  This tool has enabled artists and writers to stretch the inherent limitations of photography and to expand their horizons.  Learning how to use this tool can be an invaluable asset. Customers often don’t realize that books are self-published when the cover looks amazing. Even if you use an imprint, if the cover doesn’t look professional, customers will suspect that it was self-published. 

Other Points to Consider:

  • Judgment. People shouldn’t judge books by their covers, but they do. An excellent cover is a sample of what to expect inside. It’s a small demonstration of what effort the author is capable of expending.
  • Review potential. Bloggers and reviewers are more likely to show interest in reviewing your book, interviewing you, or announcing promotions or events, if the book looks professional. A stand out cover can entice a reviewer, which in turn will entice readers and, ultimately, sales.
  • Recommendations. People are more likely to recommend your book to others, by word of mouth or otherwise, if the cover looks splendid. If the cover is awesome, they might just say, “Check out this incredible cover.”
  • Visual reminder. Once people buy your book, it might just sit on a table, shelf, or Kindle for a while. Every time they see your book, a great cover helps to renew their interest in reading it. This improves the chances that it will get read. The more people who read your book, the better the prospects for reviews, referrals, and sales.
  • Branding. The image of your book is a vital part of your branding. If the cover features a clear image and clearly signifies the genre and content, this helps people recall the image, so they recognize your book from your previous marketing efforts the next time they see it.
  • Correct packaging. Your cover should look like it belongs in the correct genre. Otherwise, the people attracted to the cover aren’t buying the book, which means no sales. This is one of the most common sales deterrents among self-published books.
  • The fashion aspect. The reader wants a book that they can see themselves holding in their hands. Does your cover appeal to your target audience? People don’t wear shirts that don’t appeal to them, and they also tend not to buy books that don’t appeal to their sense of style. 

Samples and Examples

Finally, your cover isn’t just to help sales and fit the reader. It’s also about you. You need to be happy with your cover. It’s your book, so you should love your own cover. Put a great cover on the book for you. It has to suit your style. The cover, including how professional it looks, reflects on the author. 

Here are some of my book covers as examples of before and after images. 


During a heated argument, and in an honest attempt to save his wife’s life, Brandon suddenly, tragically falls to his death from a fifth-floor apartment window. Jessica, Brandon’s wife, and a ballerina, is then left on her own to recall the bad decisions that led to the end of her marriage. Years later, Jessica is scouted by Anthony, the manager of a global touring company, who, after discovering Jessica online, offers her a contract. Will Jessica be forced to sacrifice all she has left in the world in the pursuit of love or will she honor Brandon’s life by accepting her fate and the consequences of the choices she made? Will her decision ultimately lead to happiness or end in tragedy? PRAISE FOR MISUSE ‘MISUSE is an orgy of the extraordinary, that is clever and unexpectedly moving. Greenfield’s tale is as painful and enduring as the scene in which it is set. I find myself thinking about my own time on earth and all who will inhabit that space after me.’ - Roberta Newen, Attic Books ‘Lynette Greenfield gives us deep insight into building a meaningful relationship under the most difficult situations. It was a bit heartbreaking but she did a great job of helping us understand the nitty-gritty of loss and conflicts between lovers and their turmoils.’ - Maddy Walker, Book Me In, UK ‘This is such an incredible true story that had me hooked from the beginning. I feel like this subject is common but not spoken about enough, and whatever your background is, it’s relatable to modern love that can often be constricted by cultural/family/societal norms. I loved the journey the author takes us on, it’s truly an eye-opening experience to read! A well-written, inspirational, interesting, must-read!’ - Georgie Hall, Instagram Reviewer & Author ‘Relatable and thought-provoking. Loved it!’ - Book Obsession, Review

The story is about a woman who sacrifices her loved one by pushing him from a window, for potential fame (a dance career).  In the forefront of the image, you see her sitting on the floor with closed fists and blood on her leg and arm, indicating her frustration and that she may have done something sinister.  It was important to me that when people read the story, they could flip back to the cover to see a woman who seems to have lost as much as she gained.  And that it’s never quite enough to be happy.  This image began as a single photograph.  I added the image of the window in and faded it into the background, then added blood to her skin. I also wanted the title to be partly emerging and partly lost behind her head, subtly supporting her personality type.  

Note that the cover for 'Misuse' has since been updated. We keep the original in this article to illustrate the creative process

The Day it Rained Forever

The Day it Rained Forever
The Day it Rained Forever is a fictional drama novel that, while written beautifully, may also make you feel uncomfortable. Alia Cannes, a psychologist who lives an everyday, simple, working-class life, finds herself in a terrifying situation late one evening when she agrees to accompany a man at a bar to his hotel room. Suddenly, her night becomes a living nightmare, and Alia is unexpectedly gang-raped. But Alia is strong and knows that she must move forward to survive, but how? The Day it Rained Forever is a story of the compassionate, loving guidance of Erik, a mysterious stranger who enters her life and changes her world, reviving her trust in humanity. Erik manages to fully reach into Alia’s darkness and offer hope, helping her search for a life free from the memory of her past and the emotional turmoil of the violence she endured. But as with all Lynette Greenfield’s stories, NOTHING IS WHAT IT APPEARS TO BE! There is much more to Erik than meet’s the eye. The book aims to help survivors find the courage to speak out and reach those who have or are suffering to let them know that healing is possible. PRAISE FOR THE DAY IT RAINED FOREVER ‘Engrossing and heart pounding, this one had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end.’ - Abel Thomas ‘Greenfield populates this novel with a motley cast of characters who feel more like friends with each page turned, and whose quiet triumphs and tragedies will have readers nodding with recognition and empathy.’ - Erik Kodeick ‘Lynette Greenfield is still her sharp self, full of perspicacious observations through dazzling storytelling.’ - Jemmima Taylor ‘This is a book that is bound to start a lot of conversations, and it will ask difficult questions of readers. They are questions well worth asking, and answering.’ - Jenna Acree ‘If you want to feel emotionally destroyed, and then put back together as a better version of yourself, this is the book for you. A true masterpiece.’ - Paula Miller

A mermaid is laying on the floor with a golden sequin tail, curled in a fetal position.  Immediately you know something is not right.  The story is about a woman who was raped and filmed, and years later meets a perpetrator who needs to find resolve.  This cover was created with a photograph and heavily edited in Photoshop, which was tedious because of color and light around her hair.  The image was not as sharp as I would have liked in the beginning, so I enhanced all the sequins to ensure that all edges were sharp.  I wanted this image to be striking with a clear title, and a mindful focus on simplicity.

Finally, your cover isn’t just to help sales and fit the reader. It’s also about you. You need to be happy with your cover. It’s your book, so you should love your own cover. Put a great cover on the book for you. It has to suit your style. The cover, including how professional it looks, reflects on the author. 


Lynette Greenfield

Lynette Greenfield is an Author and the CEO/Founder of Limelight Publishing. Lynette has written 19 books, including non-fiction, and fiction, romance, mystery, short stories, and poetry.